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LetsMT! presented at Language, Technologies and the Future of Europe
On September 21, 2012 an International conference Language, Technologies and the Future of Europe was organised in Riga, Latvia. Among other presentations, mainly from the Baltic and Scandinavian countries, the LetsMT! platform was presented by Raivis Skadinš. The whole presentation can be watched at our Video lectures page.
· 2012-10-22 ·
LetsMT! final results presented at FASSBL2012
At the 8th International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages LetsMT! project and its final results were presented by Marko Tadić as the keynote speaker.
· 2012-10-17 ·
Localization World conference in Paris
The localisation industry annual event Localization World was organised in Paris, France, 4–6 June 2012. Tilde and the LetsMT! project attended this spectacular event. Colleagues at our booth were happy to meet and discuss with anybody who was interested in translation services, especially in the SMT system LetsMT!.
· 2012-07-01 ·
LetsMT! at 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora
The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora was held as the whole day LREC2012 post-confrerence workshop on 2012-05-26. This year the workshop featured a special topic Language Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains that aimed at presenting the results of different projects dealing with MT for less-resourced languages and domains. LetsMT! project as a whole was presented by Andrejs Vasiļjevs LetsMT! – Platform to Drive Development and Application of Statistical Machine Translation between all other projects dealing with the general or special topic of the workshop.
Partners from UCPH Lene Offersgaard and Dorte Haltrup Hansen also had a poster SMT systems for less-resourced languages based on domain-specific data that attraced a lot of attention since it was presenting results from the core of the special topic.
· 2012-06-01 ·
LetsMT! at LREC2012 main conference
The The Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation was held in Istanbul, Turkey from 2012-05-20 to 2012-05-27. The LetsMT! project was presented by Raivis Skadinš, within the special session on European Commission funded projects, LetsMT!: Machine Translation Factory in the Cloud at the main conference.
At the same time within the exhibition EU Projects Village LetsMT! had a booth where latest project results were presented and they attracted a lot of attention by many of 1206 LREC2012 participants.
· 2012-06-01 ·
LIND-Web – 24 May 2012
On 24 May 2012, Brussels was teeming with the eloquent and professionally multilingual experts that make up Europe's Language Industry.
Language professionals from all corners of Europe were in attendance at the 1st Forum of the Language Industry Web Platform, hosted by DG Translation. With the motto “Share, Cooperate, Grow,” the conference brought together stakeholders from academia, small- and medium-sized organisations, public administration officials, and freelancers to discuss the first phase of LINDWEB's existence (the platform was launched last year). The goal was to improve the visibility and professionalisation of translation across multiple arenas: in government, statistics, higher education, and the public sphere.
Presentations ranged from OPTIMALE (a university network to promote the employability of Translation graduates) to AILIA from Canada (a language industry organisation promoting translation, language training, and technologies) and TILDE from Latvia (a small business developing machine translation). The conference showed the many ways that Language Industry professionals can network, share, and gain visibility using the LINDWEB platform, all with the goal of reaching out to European citizens.· 2012-05-24 ·
LetsMT! review meeting in Dubrovnik
The review meeting for the LetsMT! project was held in Dubrovnik on 23-24 April 2012. All project workpackages were presented, as were the results obtained so far, including the demonstration of the Beta version of the LetsMT! system. The judgment is that the project has made impressive progress and has achieved its main objectives and technical goals. Also highly appreciated was the strategic potential of the LetsMT! Project, which, if well exploited in the coming months, can have far-reaching impact in the linguistic infrastructure landscape.
· 2012-05-24 ·
WWW2012 - 17-20 April 2012
The World Wide Web Conference is a yearly international conference on the topic of the future direction of the World Wide Web. It began in 1994 at CERN and is organised by the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2). The Conference aims to provide the world a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardisation of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conference brings together researchers, developers, users, and commercial ventures—indeed all those who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer. www2012 focused on “openness” in web technologies, standards and practices, and showcased the best of the region’s technology and culture.
Representatives from Tilde – Indra Sāmīta and Raivis Skadiņš also took part in www2012 with a presentation “Enabling Users to create their own Web-based Machine Translation Engine”. During the event our colleagues introduced conference participants with the ACCURAT project.
· 2012-04-20 ·
LetsMT! presented at GALA2012 conference
The GALA conference is the annual global meeting of the Globalization and Localization Association, a largest global non-profit association within the language industry, providing resources, education, ideas and research for companies working with translation services, language technology and content localization. This year at GALA2012, projects LetsMT! and ACCURAT jointly organised a pre-conference workshop Customized Machine Translation: Platform, Tools and Application LetsMT! Cloud Platform and ACCURAT Tools that was held in Monte Carlo, Monaco on 2012-03-25. The whole workshop was targeted for localisation and language technology professional users where we presented the latest development of LetsMT! platform and services. Presenters were partners from both projects while the invited speaker was Achim Ruopp from Digital Silk Road. You can read more on the workshop web page.
· 2012-04-02 ·
The attendees of CLARA Career Course get acquainted with LetsMT!
The CLARA is the Initial Training Network in the Marie Curie Actions. Its Career Course on Product Planning for Next Generation Information Access Technology Solutions was held in the Centre for Advance Academic Studies, University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 2011-09-20 until 2011-09-23. The whole course is targeted for early stage and experienced researchers in Language Resources and Technology. The course offers complementary skills for their future R&D careers in industry or in academic cooperation with industry. Within this course different applications of LRT were presented starting from their whole life cycle and finishing with their scientific results. The LetsMT! project was explained by the usage of poster that was presented by Inguna Skadiņa.
· 2011-10-15 ·
LetsMT! project at SlaviCorp2011 conference
The 2nd Slavic Corpora Conference, SlaviCorp2011 was held in the Centre for Advance Academic Studies, University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 2011-09-12 until 2011-09-14. Between different projects that deal with the usage of corpora of Slavic languages, the research within LetsMT! project was presented.
· 2011-10-07 ·
LetsMT! presented with a poster at META-FORUM in Budapest
The central disseminating event of the META-NET community in 2011, META-FORUM 2011 took place in Budapest on 2011-06-27 and 2011-06-28. Within this two days of conference densly packed with a number of parallel actions -- oral presentations, poster presentations, software demonstrations, an exhibition of European projects was organised. The LetsMT! project poster was presented and it attracted quite an interest since the first on-line system for building tailor-made SMT systems was demonstrated.
· 2011-07-05 ·
LetsMT! project presented at NooJ2011 conference
The NooJ community organises its conferences every year in May of June. This year the NooJ2011 conference took place in Centre for Advanced Academic Studies in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Within this three day conference that started on 2011-06-12 an exhibition of European project was organised where LetsMT! project poster was presented.
· 2011-07-05 ·
LetsMT! poster presented at Localization Word 2011 Conference & Exhibition
The Localization Word 2011 Conference took place in Barcelona, Spain, on 14-16 June 2011. It is a conference and networking organization dedicated to the language and localization industries. This year, it gathered more than 550 industry professionals from all over the world. LetsMT! was presented with its poster and leaflets and attracted the conference participants' interest. One of the main focus points at the Conference was also the recent development in the MT field as well as MT experiences at the leading IT companies.
· 2011-07-03 ·
LetsMT! project presented at EU projects exhibition at EAMT2011
The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) organises its yearly conferences regularly in May. This year the venue was Faculty of Arts, Katholieke Universitet Leuven in Belgium. This two day conference started on 2011-05-30 and on 2011-05-31 there was an exhibition of European projects related to machine translation. Since this audience is considered to be a natural lieu for LetsMT! services, our poster and flyers were presented there and Raivis Skadins was the presenter. Since our project raised quite an interest, he had to answer a lot of questions from the participants of the conference.
· 2011-06-03 ·
New LetsMT! poster presented at FLaReNet Forum 2011
The FLaReNet Forum 2011 took place in Venice from 2011-05-26 to 2011-05-27. It assembled numerous representatives from LRT community from all over Europe and it can be considered the largest event in Europe in this year so far. LetsMT! was presented there with a new mid-term poster and leaflets and attracted considerable interest. Andrejs Vasiljevs also had a presentation How to get more data for under-resourced languages and domains? where LetsMT! project was presented.
· 2011-06-03 ·
LetsMT! review meeting in Luxembourg
The first year review meeting of LetsMT! project was held in Luxembourg from 2011-04-13 to 2011-04-14. All project workpackages were presented and results obtained so far including the demonstration of the prototype of LetsMT! services. The prototype demonstration was judged as "impressive" having in mind that this system has reached this stage in only one year.
· 2011-05-02 ·
LetsMT! presented at ICT-PSP info week in Zagreb
The Central State Office for eCroatia organised the ICT-PSP info week where ICT-PSP projects with Croatian partners were presented as examples of successful on-going activity. Among seven projects, LetsMT! was presented as one of the most interesting and dealing with much needed topic that would lead to a solution for machine translation regarding under-resourced languages and domains. The video clip from TV broadcast eHrvatska No 78 reporting on this presentation can be seen at our video lectures page or directly from YouTube
· 2011-03-15 ·
LetsMT! partner Moravia cooperates with M4Loc
Moravia has started cooperation with Moses for Localization (M4Loc) group on Moses integration into CAT tools. Let'sMT!, Moravia and M4Loc are following the same goal: this particular cooperation is aimed at enabling XLIFF processing in Moses and intelligent markups re-insertion. Moravia is M4loc's bronze partner.
· 2010-12-03 ·
LetsMT! presented at SlaviCorp2010: Corpora of Slavic Languages
The The SlaviCorp2010: Corpora of Slavic Languages conference was held from 2010-11-22 to 2010-11-24 in Warsaw, Poland. Within the presentations of different Slavic corpora and their usage in national and EU projects, the LetsMT! project was presented as it deals with usage of corpora in building SMT systems for several Slavic languages: Czech, Slovak, Polish and Croatian.
· 2010-11-25 ·
LetsMT! presented at the first META-NET Forum
The first META-NET Forum was organized on 2010-11-17 and 18 in Bruxelles. It collected the largest number of experts from the field of LR&T in 2010 after the LREC2010 conference. Since LetsMT! was presented as one of cooperating projects within the META-NET alliance, its poster was presented in the poster session.
· 2010-11-20 ·
LetsMT! 2010 Annual Public Report available
Following the best practices within EU projects and also our contractual obligations, we have made our LetsMT! 2010 Annual Public Report publicly available. In this way we expect that interested parties and other stakeholders will get the insight what has been done within the project so far. You can find it at our Public deliverables page.
· 2010-11-20 ·
Progress meeting in Copenhagen
The LetsMT! project progress meeting took place at CST (Centre for Language Technology) at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) on 2010-11-11 and 12. Current tasks and deliverables issues were discussed among the present representatives by all consortium partners.
· 2010-11-15 ·
LetsMT! project presented at projects exhibition within the Seventh International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages
The Seventh International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages (FASSBL7) was held from 2010-10-04 to 2010-10-06 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Several on-going LRT projects funded by EC were presented with posters and other dissemination materials.
The LetsMT! poster was presented by Željko Agić.
Conference participants were interested in the latest research results from the project
· 2010-10-12 ·
LetsMT! project participation at EC Projects Village successful
Three day presentation of the LetsMT! project took place at EC Projects Village in conjunction with LREC 2010 conference in Valletta, Malta between 2010-05-19 and 2010-05-21. The LetsMT! booth was set up and manned during all three days and its dissemination materials (poster, flyers and t-shirts) attracted a lot of attention thus raising awareness about the project in LT research community.
Roberto Cencioni and Andrejs Vasiljevs in front of the LetsMT! booth at EC Projects Village
· 2010-05-31 ·
LetsMT! project participates at EC Project Village
The LREC 2010 conference has invited the EC projects to promote their activities and boost their dissemination efforts through their participation in the 7th edition of the conference, May 17-23, 2010 at the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta, Malta.The EC Projects Village is being set up to promote EC-funded projects and it will be open from May 19 to 21 during the Main conference days. The EC-sponsored projects will participate in this exhibition and show their objectives, progress and activities, either through demos, or through brochures, leaflets or posters if the project is still at the early stages.
Since LetsMT! project has just started, we will participate in this last capacity showing our ideas, plans and expected results.
· 2010-05-03 ·
LetsMT! kick-off meeting

Partners participating at the kick-off meeting with project officer Kimmo Rossi.
Kick-off meeting of the LetsMT! project took place in EUROFORUM Building in Luxembourg on 2010-03-24 and 2010-03-25.
After presentation of individual workpackages, the general procedures and the first steps were coordinated. Also the general schedule and first deliverables were agreed upon.
· 2010-04-02 ·
LetsMT! project started
The project LetsMT! that has received funding from the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP), Theme 5 - Multilingual web, grant agreement no 250456 started on 2010-03-01.· 2010-04-01 ·